• Congratulations on the father of electric clothes dryer-Orlant, won the CCTV credibility brand
  • 2017-06-19

    Warmly congratulate Orlant won the public trust brand of CCTV


    At the time of his visit, President Xi Jinping:

    Promoting China's manufacturing to create a shift to China;

    China's speed changes to the quality of China;

    Chinese products are changing to Chinese brands.

    Orlant as the first drying racks industry development and production of electric drying racks of independent brands, drying racks industry top ten brands, and actively respond to the national call, from the brand, specialization, large-scale perspective, the dissemination of the quality of the industry image, enhance the recognition of the consumer market, the popularization of industry knowledge, increase consumer understanding of the industry and confidence. Guide consumers to make the right choices.

    Enterprise Hing is the industry hing, enterprises are the basis of the development of the industry, public trust products and brand leading enterprises are the backbone of the industry, in order to show the image of leading enterprises and lead the demonstration role, the propaganda Orlant follow the industry association brand Planning Advocates, will "escort consumer rights, establish brand public letter" to carry out the field, play the brand advantage, create brand momentum, cause more people to pay attention to the industry, so as to better promote the development of industry, shaping the image of the industry.

    Orlant this propaganda relies on CCTV-2 "consumer advocate" platform to publish, CCTV "consumer advocate" column is the only one of CCTV consumer category column, the national only state-level platform broadcast Consumer Professional column, the annual production of CCTV $number party, has become a symbol of consumer rights of events.

    Orlant join hands with CCTV-2 financial channel, pay attention to consumer security, pay attention to quality and integrity, safeguard consumer rights and protect the consumer market. Since July, Orlant brand debut CCTV-2 financial channel evening prime time, please pay attention!
